Sunday, December 18, 2011

Final Project

Originally my project presentation would consist of 3 images:  logo design, tote bag design, and shopping bag design.  I have excluded the tote bag design from my final project. The presentation is  promotional material for a business that specializes in African American Art.  The concept is to increase this new business' visibility to its targeted audience which is all people interested in African American art. The business is called African Diaspora in Informal Times font.  The artwork reflects the connection with African American heritage is the vibrant earth tones of yellow and brown colors merging together displaying  ethnic dancers.  This will be used for the shopping bad design.  The vibrant color were dimmed by using the diffuse glow feature. The logo design was too large for the shopping bag artwork. So, I created a Vector Smart object in Illustrator then placed  the smart object (smaller) logo into my artwork in photoshop (object layer).  Since the objective of this concept was to create a visual to increase business I put a QR code in the lower right corner of the artwork which can have details about the business.  The logo is Bauhaus 93 font.  I merged AD of African Diaspora by using keening and tracking features in the logo.  I wanted to create enough intrigue in the artwork that it would tempt the targeted audience to explore the new art  gallery.    The software used for this presentation is Photoshop and Illustrator.  The presentation maintains a positive position ethically as well as social responsible because it addresses cultural awareness  and diversity in the Arts.  It embraces legal considerations because the logo is unique and the artwork used on the shopping bag has not be altered and it was stock artwork.  The shopping bag would be of recycling products to conform with environmental consciousness.